

17岁成为拳击手,28岁当上建筑师马瑞拉 ,后来得了建筑界的诺贝尔奖-上海图书馆信使
7年后同居损友 ,风尘仆仆的安藤从欧洲和非洲考察归来友谊县贴吧,创办“安藤忠雄建筑研究所”。现在,他是享誉世界的建筑大师,继丹下健三和槙文彦获得普利茨克奖之后,安藤忠雄于1985年成为日本第三位获此殊荣的建筑师。
#Tadao Ando: The Japanese boxer turned Pritzker Prize winner who buried the Buddha#
Light bursts into the dark room through a horizontal slit and an intersecting vertical line. In the simple pews behind the mesmerizing cross-shaped glow, scores of visitors snap pictures on their phones of the concrete installation.
They are inside a life-sized replica of the Church of the Light, the famous Osaka chapel by Japanese architect Tadao Ando,王百洋 which perfectly demonstrates his signature manipulation of the relationship between concrete, space and light. Inside, its solemnity is breathtaking. Carving a cruciform into a reinforced concrete wall evokes such a pure feeling of spirituality.
The self-taught Japanese architect was born in 1941 the eldest of twin boys妻凭子贵 , who were separated in their infancy. Ando went to live with his grandmother罗威娜 , who nurtured in him a talent for craftsmanship.
His younger years had no trace of great promise: he worked briefly as a professional boxer and a lorry driver, before aged 24 boarding a Siberian train to Europe "to see the world."
Art-chitecture transformed Naoshima's fate.A giant illuminated model of the island is the centerpiece of the exhibition's central hall, a vast淘气虎 , light-bathed space showcasing the big projects of Ando's 50-year career.
One of these works is the Hill of the Buddha: A 13.5 meter-tall sculpture which had been erected in Sapporo, Hokkaido, 15 years before Ando arrived. His brief was to build something that would draw attention to the religious sculpture.
So福建浔兴吧 , he buried it. Today, the Buddha sits inside a manmade concrete hill covered in lavender, the top of its head just visible. The Buddha is accessible to visitors through a 40-meter tunnel. A time-lapse of its creation is projected onto a white wall, transfixing visitors.
Other areas of the main space are dedicated to Ando's foray into updating existing structures. In 2009, he inserted geometric forms inside the Punta Della Dogana in Venice, to transform the 15th century building into an art museum at the behest of French luxury goods tycoon Fran?ois Pinault.

slit: 裂缝
pew: 座位
mesmerizing: 有魅力的、催眠的
glow: 炽热、红光
replica: 复制品
chapel: 小教堂
signature: 体现个人特征的
manipulation: 熟练操作
solemnity: 庄严
carve: 雕刻
cruciform: 十字形
evoke: 引起、唤起
craftsmanship: 工匠
promise: 有前途、有希望
lorry: 运货司机
Siberian: 西伯利亚
illuminate: 照亮
showcase: 展示
brief: 指示
lavender: 薰衣草
accessible: 可进入的
transfix: 穿刺、惊呆
time-lapse: 延时
dedicated to: 供奉、贡献
foray into: 初次尝试
behest: 请求

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