

外网17个野营的理由Camping is the best
1. 凉爽的空气与温暖的篝火的组合所带来的诱惑的迷醉。
The delirium-inducing combination of cold air and a warm fire.
2. 体验仿若未有人类踏足的原始大自然。
Getting to experience nature as untouched by human existence.
3. 每天醒来第一眼看到的都是——
Waking up to this every morning.
4. 看着天空的颜色变换上亿次吴依洁。
Watching the sky turn like, a billion colors.
5. 观星养鬼术 。
6. 拍出来的照片呈现的颜色是多么真实。
How true to color your photos turn out.
7. 那些你能无限接近野生动植物的时刻。
Those times you get impossibly close to wildlife.
8. 在诸般烈酒中,亦或野外中存活。
The times you survived not just the wilderness, but 4 different kinds of liquor.
9. 寒冷的早晨张世豪原型 ,热咖啡和温暖的毛衣。
Coffee and cozy sweaters on cold mornings.
10. 阳光透过树木的折射。
The way the sunlight refracts through the trees.
11. 帐篷边上搭的吊床。
PItching a hammock along with your tent.
12. 你的眼睛去适应月光的方式。
The way your eyes adjust to the moonlight.
13. 让你的孩子们拥有一段会真正记住的经历。
Having an experience your kids will actually remember.
14. 在真正安静的环境阅读。
Reading when it's just that quiet.
15. 尝试一些可能永远不会吃的疯狂食物蝾螈吃什么 。
Eating crazy food you would never eat otherwise.
16. 关闭手机命运战士3 ,不过好像不想关也不行葛倩茹 。
Getting to turn off your phone, not even by choice.
17. 和你所爱的人一起培养更深的感情。蕾妮斯梅
Bonding with the people you love.

这才是露营生活,你那顶多是打地铺纯翠网 !

作者:admin | 分类:全部文章 | 浏览:109 2018 04 17  
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